Archive | March, 2010

You Can Get With This or You Can Get With That!

13 Mar
Dust Lady

It's Time!

Spring time is approaching!  How do we know? Because we have to turn our clocks ahead and lose an hour of sleep!  So it’s time! We can either think about getting organized OR we can’t just ignore the stuff around us! 

You can get with this or you can get with that!  If you want to get with this, LET’S GET ORGANIZED.  If not!  Well think it over and come back later… if you have changed your mind! 

Now the stuff around you, of course it has meaning.  It would n’t be in your home, if it didn’t.    Remember when you first saw it, you decided that you had to have it and it would have a specific place in your home?  

Well, after that!  Something else had a special meaning, then after that… here’s some more stuff.  Before you knew it, you have a lot stuff, with a WHOLE lot of dog gone meanings!

We just figured out your personal style and before you even begin thinking about changing a room or your wardrobe, before you go out and buy anything new, we need to start thinking about getting organized and start putting things in their rightful place.  Anything else, you are either are going to trash it or give it!  This is going to be your goal.   This is your commitment before you start!  Agreed?  Good!

The following tasks outlined should be performed room by room.  Please do not attempt to have that great idea, that one weekend you are going to do the whole entire house! De-cluttering,  organizing  is and will be very overwhelming.  You should take your time, looking at your things carefully, which is much easier done room by room.   

There will some indecisiveness where you and even your family want to keep things.  Believe me, there are going to be some disagreements on the items you choose to part with.  To them it’s very special, however to you, it’s simply JUNK or vice-a-versa!  If you keep this in mind and offer some compromising techniques,  this organization process should go rather well!  For children, every toy is special, so it may be rough at times for them as well.

Select the first room you are going to organize.  The room should be broken up into 4 work areas and you are going to begin looking at your things and placing them in either area:

  1. Keep  –  You are going to keep and have a special place or store.
  2. Donate – You are going to donate to the charity of your choice.
  3. Not Sure – You are on the fence whether to keep or trash.
  4. Trash –  Definitely do not need, dump quickly.

Once you have defined all you piles, periodically take the TRASH items outside, so you don’t go back and pull items to keep.   The KEEP items should be placed, however if you are doing other rooms, use some storage bins (WalMart® and Target®); until you are ready to either place or store. 

For the DONATE items, call your charity organization of your choice,  to find out if they have a pickup service or drop-off locations.  And Oh! Don’t forget, for tax purposes, ask for documentation especially if you are donating an item of high value.

The NOT SURE items, are items where there may be a difference in opinion on the value of the item.  Not in dollars or cents, but sentimental value.   It should be discussed – if you are gong to keep the item, where is it going to be placed?  If not kept, the item could be donated or ultimately placed in the trash pile.  Each room should be done in this fashion; until the entire house is completed.

I practice de-cluttering every 3 months or so.  My two worse areas,  1st  is the kitchen drawer, it has everything “under the sun” and I usually have to decide why did I keep this, I never could remember.  This drawer has nothing but change (last time I had a total of $10.05 according to Coin-matic), buttons, gum never opened, pens which have no ink, Post It® papers, coupons, tape, batteries, paper clips, those McDonald ketchup packs and false eyelash boxes (don’t ask)!  

 2nd, is my closet.  I did the labeling, the color coordination, lavender satchels and even the clear see thru boxes.   It gets messier every time I am trying to get ready for a party, looking for a particular shoe that I have in mind and especially when I have to change an outfit, due to the weather forecast was absolutely wrong!  And the winter and summer reorganization, drives me crazy! 

So, I am  also going to GET WITH THIS and de-clutter my closet!  While you are getting it together, I’ll be doing the same.  It’s time for me to donate some items, because if I have not worn it in 2 – 3 yrs, it should be donated.   It will make things easier and I’ll feel good about doing it.

I am listing some organizing sites for great storage buys; for your KEEP items that you have in mind!   First check out the Sale and Clearance sections, to see if you can find some useful items for your home:,, and

Before Closet

Before Look

After Look

So let’s get started!  Let me know did you keep a lot or donate much?   Write a comment or e-mail at  Any questions, I will be happy to answer!

Spring is coming!!!  Good Luck!

Be well  – Letia  : )

Finding Your Personal Style!

2 Mar

Right now in your wardrobe there’s colors and textures that you really love!  

If you are a gal, there are probably also those shoes, that simply makes you happy (especially the ones, which you’ve gotten on sale!). 

 For guys, it could be that special tie, a suit or that pair of jeans, which are hot!  Your wardrobe shows your personality, believe or not –  it can be transcending into your space.   

Interior decorators and designers will often ask you, “What is your style?”   More often than not, the client usually replies with that look of puzzlement, not really sure.   This  four word question is used as a guideline for decorators to begin assisting  their client to get a creative idea how to change the current space.  

 So, I’m going to make the answer to this question easy for you!   I have listed a few questions to ask yourself; whether you acquire a decorator or not,  your style is something that you should know.  You will be so surprised, by taking about 20 minutes, you will be able to learn what your personal style is!  So let’s get a pen, note paper, something refreshing to drink and ask yourself the following: 

  1. Describe your favorite outfit and your accessories, write down 4 descriptions (e.g. preppy, sexy, bright, funky, etc).
  2. Describe an activity you just love, write down 4 descriptions it gives you (e.g. peaceful,  electric, dark, etc.). 
  3. What movie, that you  just love, indicates a favorite style (e.g. 1940’s, 1980’s), write down 4 descriptions that best describes it (romantic, classy, loud).
  4. Now take all the descriptions you’ve written and look in some magazines to see if you notice any chairs, towels, furniture that match those adjectives.  Place a Post It™ on  the pictures you like.  Or the next time you go out, if not too busy, see if you can make your way to a store to also see.

Now check all of your information and look again at the pictures you’ve collected; let’s see if your current space reflects what you’ve discovered?  If what is now in your space doesn’t match, you’re personal style may be missing.  Don’t worry! 

You can change your space to show what you truly, truly like, with adding colors, textures and paint.   If it matches, then you have already identified your personal style and  if you prefer;  you can add or remove  an item or two, to get that WOW effect!!!  Or you might even have discovered that you may want to do some changes in your wardrobe too (bringing it up to date).   A personal style can change, because we change. 

This 20 minute quiz is nothing new, Thomasville®, did an ad campaign a few years back, using particular items in a wardrobe to advertise, detailing how it is reflected in furniture!  I particularly loved the ads (see one below).  You will be surprised on how many fashion styles influence furniture pieces and our home accessories (and vice-a-versus),  some may be obvious, but in some instances they are not even noticed. 

Personal Style

The Luminé Chest™

Designer Julie Chaiken with Benjamin Moore Paint


What’s my personal style? My favorite movie of all time is Funny Face!!!   I luv, luv, luv, Audrey Hepburn!   I am traditional (1950’s), classy/spicy with splashes of  color (red, yellow, teal blue) with clean lines (gray, black, white), also with flair (silk, damask), but stylish (mahogany wood)!  

I hope this information was helpful.  If you took the quiz, let me know what you’ve discovered, were  you surprised?  Did you discover a new color, that stands out?  How about the fabrics, are they also in your furniture?  Do you want a makeover to change your wardrobe completely first, then do your favorite room?   

Leave a comment below or send me a note at   I would love to hear from you!  Whatever you’ve discovered, when asked, you’ll now know your personal style!   

This is the first step, especially if you have thought about it for some time, to change your space!   For those who need help, in making your personal style be defined in your space.  In upcoming blogs, I will give you more steps. 

Remember it’s YOUR space; in which it is supposed to make you happy!  Your style is your style, no matter what others may think!  : ) 

Be well – Letia