Archive | April, 2015

DIY – Neat Candle Holder Idea!

26 Apr

Recycle…..with style in mind!

After your store brought candles burn out, keep the glass holder!  It can be kept to do many things! Use warm water to remove any wax residue, followed by a soap clean up!

Then take the kids and go for a walk and look for twigs!  Yes twigs!  You’ll have fun, then you can do the next step in this little project!

Get a glue gun and glue three areas of the twig and adhere to the glass holder, in any design!

Once completed, you have a very stylish and rustic candle holder!

Add your tea light candle.  Tea candle?  They are small and don’t have a high flame.  This DIY idea can be used for rope too!

The glass holders can be used for many other things, before discarding…take a moment and think…what can I use this for!  🙂

Candle Recycle Ideas


Letia Mitchell LifeStyle & Design



Letia 🙂



Picture Source: Pinterest Originals


Apple Watching! The Apple Watch!

24 Apr

The Apple Watch is making news!  iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, iPad Air, iPad mini…it’s all in the family!

The watch is in many styles and just in time <no pun intended >, to make you think you have to have one!

No matter if you get one or just say not for me; you have to give it to Apple…they are always pushing to be innovative for sure!


Will I be getting one?

Let’s say I’m have all the Apple Rockettes and I am still learning features on my iPhone!

Learn more about the Apple watch, go to

I have also providing two YouTube videos which were helpful for me in learning a little bit more about this Smart watch.

I hope it is helpful in that decision on whether you are ready to purchase one!  🙂

Letia Mitchell LifeStyle & Design



Letia 🙂


It’s here Spring!!

19 Apr

Cherry BlossomsHello!!!!

Where have I have been?  I know…missing in action!

I know every area of the United States have had their weather issues, but I’m located on the East Coast!

So my issue was the SNOW!  Snow and more snow!

I can finally stop talking about it!  It was one of the worst winters ever!  EVER!!!!  All I have to say is Boston, 103 inches of snow and you can get my agony; for I didn’t get as much – but 35 inches of snow was enough for me!

With the course of Mother Nature given her spin on things; due to the weather you really couldn’t go anywhere because you couldn’t get there!!

Then Daylight Savings being early this year, that one hour lost was always being chased to come back…still can’t find it!  Basically for me it was a lot of event cancellations, saving energy in the hopes of not having power lines down and staying safe; all because of the weather!

I was only able to attend only one Fashion Week event (prior post) and go to the Architectural Design’s Home Show held this past March!

So it’s really been about catching up on family, friends and focusing! In the beginning of the year, I wrote five things down that I thought I could stick with for my year’s goals.  They were, one…taking one better care of myself, more reading, three…cooking, four….learn a different language and five…work with my travel agent, Abrir to travel somewhere different this year!  If you look at my Instagram page or Facebook page, you can see that I’m dipping and dabbing in some of them already and more!

I was able to see cherry blossoms bloom last week and this past Saturday; the weather is really finally showing Spring!  It was 68 degrees! The birds are chirping away and a saw an earthworm <I know, it didn’t take much to get me happy >!  So these are signs, which has gotten everyone’s mood to change!

So with that, Spring forward!!  I will be sharing with you some of my upcoming events, the enjoyable things I love best and those crazy – had to be there moments!  Also.. thank you for those “where are you” e-mails; they were truly appreciated!  I even got a kick out of the stories you guys were telling me!  Very entertaining reading; indeed!

And as always, wishing you the best!

And Oh!  For my Bostonian neighbors, the Boston Marathon is this week! Thinking of you ALL and sending prayers of encouragement this week! Boston Strong!

Letia Mitchell LifeStyle & Design Letia