Tag Archives: Janet League-Katzin

Mind, Body & Spirit Network with Sphakita Spa NYC

3 Jul

Sphakita SpaNeed a break, you think when?  It happens when the Founder, Sallie Fraenkel of Mind Body & Spirit Network plans an event at the renown Sphatika Spa in NYC; with an invite to you…YOU GO!

I graciously accepted and upon arrival to Manhattan; surprisingly I’d quickly found a parking spot on Madison Ave @ 70th Street!  The honking of car horns, people rushing to go home hustle and construction bangs in the background is clearly at its best; even if its only 6PM.  Choosing to ignore it all; I walked quickly to 69th Street looking for 818!  I felt like I discovered a hidden door; opening to a beautiful Art Déco designed building.


3 flights up and upon ringing the bell; the door opens to be greeted by a smiling staff and Sallie Fraenkel just thrilled to see you.  The aroma of lavender in the air sets the mood with instruction to remove your high heels and change to bedazzling slippers.

Janet League-Katzin, Founder & Director of Sphakita Spa NYC

The highlight of the evening was meeting the Founder and Director, Janet League-Katzin and hearing the inspiration of how Sphakita Spa was born.

A beautiful and soft spoken woman; with such a regal presence.  Janet League -Katzin shared how she met Sallie Fraenkel and how their friendship is so special.


Janet League-Katzin and Sallie Fraenkel, Founder of MBSN

Janet League-Katzin and Sallie Fraenkel, Founder of MBSN

She expressed how important it is to take the time to relax and allow the body to recharge.  Being run down interrupts the body in reproducing its cells; by simply changing your approach can increase your wellness.  Crystals were also talked about and could be found all throughout the spa.  Their energy can help balance the body and could definitely  be felt; everyone easily unwind.  Sphatika Spa is the place to come to; where Janet’s overall goal is to treat each client special.

The treat was to have a 15 minute facial, access to organic, gluten-free munchies, Sphatika superfoods and a selection of delightful beverages and healthy coconut ice cream sodas to take your pick.  All the women were so thrilled!


The lively conversations were found in all the rooms, each guest anxiously awaiting their turn to have a Sphakita Spa facial.  When called, I was so excited!!!!  The 15 minute facial was divine; ending with a rose oil massage with hints of crystals.  My face was soft and had a radiant glow!


As the evening was ending, we received a heartfelt “Thank You” where we were presented with a Sphakita Spa gift bag and no return of the bedazzled slippers provided when our lovely evening started.  “Are we going to see you again?” asks Janet.   My reply, Yes; because I deserve it!

Whether or not you can attend Sphakita Spa; the suggestion is to take the time at least once a month to take a break and allow your body to relax and recharge.  You deserve it!

My Sphakita Spa Gift Bag

My Sphakita Spa Gift Bag


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Letia 🙂





IMG_2330Janet League-Katzin an award-winning actress; best known for The Guilding Light, Another World and The Spook Who Sat By The Door.  

The treatments of the Royal Sphatika Spa and the Sphatika 100 % Natural Skincare Line were created to provide what she found to be missing in the course of her search.  The result is an extraordinary holistic treatment methodology and product line that delivers the next level in the evolving spa experience.  Sphatika Spa is located at 818 Madison Ave NYC.

Photos by Mind Body & Spirit Network® and Letia Mitchell LifeStyle & Design®